Because I know folks have short attention spans I'll try to keep my race report brief and add lots of photos.
I know my times are nothing special, I don't run fast and I walk a lot of the uphills. But these races were run in support of friends and family dealing with cancer and for friends I've lost. I started out to raise $1500 for Breast Cancer Prevention Partners and thanks to peoples' generosity I raised $3291.00! I carried prayer flags for just a few but carried so many others in my heart.
Race number one was the SF 50/50 which was supposed to occur on 5/16 in Marin County.
~ Actual run took place on May 6, at Rocky Top in Yakima Washington which is an area maintained by the mountain bike organization, STAY, Single Track Alliance of Yakima.
~ Trails are hard packed rock and dirt meandering across rolling hills with elevations from roughly 1700' to 2900'.
~ Tripped several times without falling, once windmilling down the trail about 20 feet before regaining my footing. (wish someone had gotten that on film)
~ A cold wind was absolutely blasting with gusts up to 35mph into my face on the uphills.
~ At 25.6 miles I realized I needed to charge my Garmin to finish the race but when I finished charging the watch had zeroed out causing me to run the final 5.6 miles in complete distress thinking the first 25 miles of the run had not been recorded.
~ Turns out it the watch had stored the first portion so I had a legit record for the race directors.
~ tough run with lots of rest stops
~ Time 7:59:42, setting a personal record
Race number two was Big Basin Skyline to the Sea, scheduled for May 31 in Big Basin park north of Santa Cruz.
~ Actual run done at Rocky Top again, on May 15, running the same up and down route of 5 mile loops.
~ Three minutes into the run, just THREE minutes, I trip and fall, skinning my knee. Nothing major fortunately so I was up and running in seconds.
~ Light winds and warmer temps made it easier initially but as the day progressed it got quite warm so not ideal conditions but not bad.
~ Changed some settings on watch so I didn't have to charge mid-run.
~ Snake across the trail but it was at my final turn around so didn't have to jump over it.
~ Squeaked out another personal record, shaving 8 minutes off my time.
Race number three was always slated as virtual so there was no original course set. It was a benefit for the Methow Valley, north of Yakima, where the community was financially hard hit by Covid-19. Race could be run any day between May 23 and 31 but had to be completed in one day. Entry was only $5 and a purchase of a cool $20 t-shirt painted by a local artist.
~ Once again I ran at Rocky Top, on May 25, repeating the same route.
~ This time weather was perfect, cool, overcast, no wind, even got a couple cooling sprinkles.
~ Went in with an actual plan this time, aside from just finishing. I focused on cutting time off rest stops and not stopping on the trail in between.
~ No photo breaks, no chats with passing hikers or dogs.
~ Only one tiny snake to skirt by.
~ Almost stopped my watch at 30.2 miles thinking I was done because I was a little delirious but luckily realized I had one more mile to go.
~ ANOTHER PERSONAL RECORD! This time I cut another 11:26 off my time, over 19 minutes faster than the first run.
This is what I had laid out the night before the first race. I didn't use the Maurten gels or the Tailwind. Also didn't need the poles since nothing was super steep. Fuel was water, homemade yam goo and pinole goo, both with salt and cayenne. I love my Injinji socks and Osprey pack and although I have 5 pair of Altras I will be buying more.
Take note that 50 kilometers is actually 31.02 miles and I ran 31.22. The next race I'm signed up for is a five miler in September. It's getting hotter now and my bike is reassembled so I'll get out on that and hopefully do some SUP soon as well. For now, shorter runs and longer hikes are in order. Until next time, happy trails.
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