Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Training for My Next 50k...Adventures in Yakima

I've left behind bustling city life. Left behind the cold, foggy, windy, noisy bus stop above Sausalito. Left behind the gum spattered, urine smelling streets of San Francisco. Left behind the $12 two ounce pour of chardonnay and the $22 dollar tiny tossed green salad. Left behind the Mazerati's, driven by stressed out middle aged business men and Range Rover's driven by stressed out waspy soccer mom's cutting me off on the freeway. 
I've also left behind some amazing running trails. Miwok, Marincello, Old Springs, Phoenix Lake, Cypress, Tenderfoot, Dipsea, Dias Ridge and the list goes on. But I've stumbled upon some absolutely stunning terrain just 10 minutes drive from my brother's house. The first week the smoke from Canadian wild fires made it unhealthy to run outside, not to mention 100 degree weather. But then the temps cooled, the clouds moved in and my first run on the ridge above and down into Cowiche Canyon soothed my trail running soul. There was a faint glow through the clouds, I flushed birds from the underbrush and some rain spattered down on me. 

Of course I wore my trusty Altra running shoes. Still loving these babies. So glad I bought three pair when they were on sale.

There was unfamiliar flora along the trail. Once again, I didn't get a hard solid training run in because I was fascinated by my surroundings and felt compelled to stop and shoot photos. 

There was a fair amount of water running in Cowiche Creek. The bridges smelled like creosote and the rock formations were beautiful. And across the canyon there is a winery!

I was supposed to run 14 miles but because I took so long with photos and absorbing the beauty of the place I only put in 10. Now that I've been there a few times I'll focus more on the training. I'm so happy to have this so close to home. 

My next run on the same trail had quite a different vibe. The rain had cleared the smoke from the valley and the wind was cold and fresh. I could see Mt. Adams in the distance.

So although I left behind some challenging and gorgeous trails in the Bay Area I'm happy to be here spending time with my brother before heading back to the jungle, forest and crater trails on Maui. 

1 comment:

  1. Living the Dream!

    See you in Maui,

    Blair & Moni
